January 14, 2005: The Exterior of Titan
Little was known about Titan’s surface before the Cassini-Huygens mission. Because the moon’s haze is partially transparent to near-infrared light, earlier telescopic studies exploiting this property were able to show that the surface is not uniform. Images taken in near-infrared wavelengths by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1994 revealed a bright continent-sized region, later named Xanadu Regio, on Titan’s leading face. This region was also discerned from Earth and from the Cassini spacecraft at radar wavelengths, which can penetrate the haze.
As the Cassini spacecraft orbited Saturn, it made numerous observations during a series of close flybys of Titan beginning in late 2004. On January 14, 2005, the Huygens entry probe became the first spacecraft to land on a planetary surface in the outer solar system, carrying out various physical and chemical measurements of Titan’s atmosphere and transmitting high-resolution images as it descended by parachute. The Cassini-Huygens mission revealed that Titan’s surface is quite young by planetary standards, with only a few large impact craters observed. The surface is composed of three major types of terrain: bright, rough regions that are similar to Xanadu Regio, dark regions that are rich in water ice, and dark regions that are covered by fields of dunes. The surface is composed mainly of water ice, hydrocarbons, and possibly methane and ammonia ice. There is evidence for the recent condensation of ices on the surface of Titan, perhaps by active geologic processes. Although no active volcanoes were observed by Cassini, landforms that may be ice volcanoes were discovered.
Titan’s surface, like Earth’s, is sculpted by wind and probably also rain (in the form of liquid methane). “River” channels coated with dark hydrocarbon deposits are common, sometimes running along faults and sometimes with extensive tributary systems. The surface temperature and pressure of Titan’s surface is near methane’s triple point (the temperature and pressure at which a substance can coexist as a liquid, a solid, and a gas). Thus, the role of methane on Titan may be similar to that of water on Earth; that is, it may be the principal agent behind erosion processes.
The equatorial and temperate regions of Titan have vast areas of dunes formed by windblown sand rich in organic compounds. The Cassini spacecraft discovered an extensive system of lakes filled with liquid hydrocarbons in the north polar region. A smaller lake, Ontario Lacus, with a shrinking shoreline, has been observed in the south polar region. Reflections of the Sun have been observed on the lakes that confirm that they are filled with liquids rather than ice or sand.